EV Batteries and Adhesives

Improved Batteries for EVs: How Adhesives play a role! EV batteries are made up of modules having multiple cells contained in enclosures. These are secured onto frames for reinforcement. They weigh more than 700 kg. A lot of design and engineering thought process goes behind their thermal management, sealing, structural bonding and coating requirements. Of […]

Role of Adhesives in ICE and Electric vehicles

Adhesives in Automobile Manufacturing In recent times, automobiles have seen huge technological improvements. Vehicles are getting increasingly efficient, safe, light, durable, eco-friendly, energy efficient, corrosion resistant and have greatly reduced emissions. Customers expect efficient handling of noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) and maximum driver and passenger comfort from their cars. Today, manufacturers have to use […]

Increasing role of Adhesives and Sealants in Electronics Manufacturing

In the world today we live with our electronic gadgets. The backbone in an electronic device is the PCB. Electronics Components are mounted on the PCB’s surface using adhesives. Some key processes in electronics industry are Conformal Coating, Potting and Encapsulation, and these are adhesive based processes. Of late, the move toward Industry 4.0 and […]

Packaging Adhesives

Packaging is a huge user of adhesives and dispensing solutions. Packaging functions not only as protection and storage but also enables easy transportation, while making the product visually appealing. Manufacturers are constantly innovating, choosing solutions to protect product quality and assure safety of the product. Adhesives play a pivotal role in construction and application of […]

Automotive Industry and MatDispens

Today’s vehicles are going through technological change, getting increasingly efficient, safe, light, durable, eco-friendly, energy efficient, corrosion resistant with reduced emissions. These features are obviously redefining manufacturing processes as well. There is increasing use of diverse materials such as metal, glass, rubber and a variety of reinforced plastics and composites in their manufacture. Working with […]